

Introduction of the catalogue errata

In a sincere apology, we would like to announce that the catalogues published by us contained errors.
Please refer to the contents of the “Errata PDF File” if you have any of the catalogues below.

Catalogue Title Catalogue No. Publication Date Errata PDF File [Volume] Errata Implemented Catalogue
Compact Elecylinder® EC-CRP/CGD/CTC CJ0411-1A April 2024 SEIGOHYO CJ0411-1A.pdf(PDF: 489KB) Catalogue (PDF: 6.81MB)
Belt-driven Actuator IFA series CJ0288-1A November 2021 SEIGOHYO_CJ0288-1A.pdf(PDF: 0.6MB) Catalogue (PDF: 7MB)
Wide slider type Elecylinder® EC-(D) WS10/(D)WS12 CJ0280-1A January 2021 SEIGOHYO_CJ0280-1A.pdf(PDF: 0.4MB) Catalogue (PDF: 4MB)
ROBO Cylinder®/Industrial robot general catalogue 2020 CJ0306-1A April 2020 SEIGOHYO_CJ0306-1A_2. pdf(PDF: 0.5MB)
SEIGOHYO_CJ0306-1A.pdf(PDF: 1MB) Catalogue (PDF: 38MB)