PC Software downloads

Download Calculator

You can download the calculator here.

Once downloaded, unzip the downloaded file. Click on to the “exe file” in the folder to proceed to install.
For 32bit/64bit OS: setup_IAI_Calculator_6.0.1.0_A.zip(10.4MB)

Name/Specification Vers
Supporting OS Release date Download User's manual
V6.0.1.0_A Windows8.1
Windows 10
August 2023 setup_IAI_Calculator_6.0.1.0_A.zip(10.4MB) ⇒ Download page


1. This software requires “.NET Framework 4.8” or later to run.

2. If you are using a 64-bit OS and have version V1.0.4.0 or earlier installed,
  please manually uninstall the calculator
  before installing version V1.0.5.0 or later.

3. If you have installed V1.0.5.0 and are experiencing an error preventing the calculator from starting,
  please upgrade to version V1.0.6.0 or later.

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