Useful Information

Design Support Tool

Connection with Omron vision sensors (F210-C10/FZ3)

IAI controllers can be connected directly to the vision sensors (F210-C10/FZ3 series) manufactured by Omron Corporation.

  • Moves to the home page of the Omron Corporation when clicked on to the vision sensor target model.

Target product information and connection configurations

Target controllers Vision Sensor Target Models Connection Configurations
  • F210-C10
  • FZ3
  • (※Opens the home page of Omron Corporation.)

The IAI products required to connect with vision systems

XSEL vision system interface function
without conveyor tracking
With Conveyor Tracking
  • Single Axis Robots/Linear Servos
  • ROBO Cylinder RCS2/3
  • Slider Type Robots, ZR Unit
  • Single Axis Robots/Linear Servos
  • ROBO Cylinder RCS2/3
  • Slider Type Robots, ZR Unit
  • SCARA Robot
Controllers XSEL-P/Q
  • XSEL-P/Q
Controllers Main Applications Above Version V1.05 (Standard Product) Conveyor tracking compatible versions (Optional product)
Ethernet boards In the case where the ethernet is in use for the communication between vision systems and XSEL
Computer Compatible Software
for XSEL Controllers
Above Version V7.06.08.00 Above version V5.00.02.00
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  • Connection with Omron vision sensors (F210-C10/FZ3)